I love rituals... as a Catholic I adored the simple rituals of the faith... lighting a candle, saying the rosary, kneeling, making the sign of the cross. As an evangelical Christian I loved the rituals of prayer, quiet time, and the lord's supper. Even when I was involved in bdsm I loved the rituals of preparation, dressing up, and focusing on my headspace.
As an atheist I missed rituals. Two years without rituals has made me lose my inner focus. I have cried over the loss of Magick in my life and want it back again. I believe that through rituals I can find serenity and Magick.
At the beginning of January I started focusing on ways to bring ritual back into my life and Magickally they appeared. My good friend B gave me a present- a huge box of crayons and a colouring book of mandalas- mandalas focused on the Sacred Feminine! How serendipitous! So I started a morning ritual: I put on some healing music and I colour a mandala. As I do, I find myself meditating on the Goddess presented on the mandala... and from there my mind wanders. I think about my life, my day, my wishes, my dreams. I meditate on specific colours and their Magickal meanings. I give respect to the various animal totems and plants that I give colour to.
Today I added another simple thing to my morning ritual. Yesterday I created my first altar, just near my desk here in my studio. I used a few things that are meaningful to me- two needlework pieces of fairies that I made, a half-moon candlestick with 2 white candles, a dish of beautiful seashells, a silver symbol of protection from the middle east, and a small star motif tablecloth handquilted with various shades of purple. This morning I lit the candles, and a stick of my favourite Indian incense and found myself in a Magickal place- right here in my room.
These simple rituals brings joy to my morning. I rise earlier from my bed and look forward to my quiet time at my desk. It prepares me for my day and all the challenges it will bring. As I walk along this new path I will keep my eyes open to opportunities to add more rituals to other times of my day.
Blessed Be.